Copper bottal and crockery is very helpful for human body. which make Healthy body.

Product Description

Below condition require copper:

  • Anemia
  • Lower body temperature
  • Broken bones and bone loss
  • Low white blood cell count
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Pale skin
  • Thyroid problems

Health Benefits of drinking copper water

  • Make red blood cells.
  • Keep nerve cells healthy.
  • Support your immune system.
  • Form collagen, a protein that helps make up your bones and tissues.
  • Protect cell from damage.
  • Absorb iron into your body.
  • Turn sugar into energy.
  • Helps in preventing cancer
  • Helps in regulating women`s menstrual periods
  • Helps in regulating obesity
  • Helps in regulating thyroid glands
  • Helps in maintaining digestive system
  • Helps in reducing bad cholesterol
  • Helps in increasing good cholesterol
  • Helps in maintaining cardiovascular health
  • Helps in healing wounds and relieving pains
  • Helps in production of melanin in our bodies
  • Helps in preventing cell damage and slows down ageing